It is a warehouse of Grindrecords located in Minamihorie, Osaka.
Here, about 10,000 records are stored. Genres include Electric Music, Rock, Pops and Hip Hop.
Please refer to the G.R Tourist Calendar for the business days and hours of Warehouse.
If you would like to visit us, please use the G.R Tourist reservation form.
Warehouse は、大阪の南堀江にあるGrindrecordsの倉庫です。
ここには約10000点のレコードが保管されています。ジャンルはElectric Music をはじめRock、PopsそしてHip Hop等があります。
Warehouseの営業日・営業時間はG.R Touristのカレンダーをご参照ください。
ご来店を希望する場合はG.R Tourist 予約フォームをご利用ください。
We feel that there are an increasing number of travelers who want to buy some records in Japan.
We provide efficient, fun and time to meet records.
In addition, we prepare a tour that takes care of the connection with places, things,
people who can feel Osaka and we are waiting for you.